A storytelling platform that celebrates those who have shaped culture against seemingly impossible odds.

Shirin Neshat

Shirin Neshat has made numerous contributions in many arenas. They are truly outstanding for their contributions in .

Join us in celebrating Shirin Neshat Day, on their birthday Day 🎉 March 4

Shirin Neshat Day is dedicated to those who inspiring reflection on the power of creativity to challenge oppression, start dialogue, and connect humanity across cultures.

Shirin Neshat is a visionary artist who has used her work to bridge cultural divides and amplify the voices of those often silenced.

As a filmmaker, photographer, and multimedia artist, Neshat has explored themes of identity, gender, exile, and power, with a particular focus on the complexities of life in Iran and the experiences of women in Islamic societies.

Her iconic works, such as the Women of Allah series, challenge stereotypes and provoke critical dialogue about cultural and political issues. Through her evocative storytelling and bold visual language, Neshat has become a global advocate for understanding and compassion.